First things first, some snowy pictures for your viewing pleasure :)
If you know my husband, you would definitely be aware of his vast love for snow! Needless to say, as we awoke in the twilight hours yesterday to a winter wonderland, it didn't take him long at all to snuggle up in his warmest clothing & jet outside to be apart of it all. Yes, I like snow, but if given a choice, I'd rather be in the warm sunshine any day of the week in my tank, shorts & flip-flops! God knew all this while dreaming up our life together, He planned it that way even! Jason's love for snow has given me a new found appreciation for cold weather & winter gear. When he gave me the choice of investing in a new dress last summer or sweet hiking boots, it was a tough call for this Texas gal! The hiking boots definitely won out & I am so glad they did...what in the WORLD would I do with a dumb summer dress up here? I laugh just thinking about it. You will too when you view all of our glorious winter snow pics. We even made a snow man, whose face was not quite as white as snow due to all the debris he cont'd to pick up as we were making him. Thus the name, Pigpen! He also inspired us to watch "A Charlie Brown Christmas!" yesterday when we returned home. Even the kiddos on this holiday classic became aware of the true meaning behind Christmas thanks to a shepherd named Linus & Luke 2. If you've never seen this classic monologue or just need to be reminded of it's greatness, please watch below. Courtesy of YouTube & Charles M. Shultz. Love, J&S
These are just some snippets of what it's like to be 3 years old again...I have to say that it's taken me weeks to enjoy all the nuances that she brings. But at last I am getting there, and I know my life is filled with all the more JOY because of this little cutie patootie! :) Enjoy the cuteness...feel free to narrate with each photo!
The remnants of 1 happy girl :)...well, 2 including me!
Here are some shots of the Fall season here, we've loved every second of it! :)
As a previous Sociology/Psychology major in my undergrad studies, words absolutely intrigue me to the point of wanting to research their meaning, root origin and of course, now that I am the wife of a pastor in the making, the greek meaning as well. The word that God has been bringing back to my heart again and again ever since I was a little girl, is the word compassion. The original greek writing of this word looks like this: σπλαγχνίζομαι. The definition explains the literal meaning to be moved in the inward parts. For some of you who are faint of heart, bible talk says to be moved within your bowels! He he! The first time I read that I was like, ooooooooooooh, like when I was super nervous before cheering at a pep rally or singing in church...moved in my bowels? Well...not exactly! It's that feeling you get when you see some injustice happening to a small child or maybe even an animal. Maybe when your best friend calls you to tell you about some trial they're walking through at the moment, and because you love this friend so deeply, it's like time stops and you are now in the same room as this person feeling exactly what they are feeling.
For some, this feeling of compassion is next to impossible to experience. The thought of crying because someone else is hurting escapes any thought in your mind. This is not to say you are a mean or cold hearted person. It just means compassion does not come as naturally to you as it does to others. For those of you that embrace compassion so easily, do not fret on our brothers and sisters that don't necessarily overflow with this gift. Want to know why? There are days when compassion takes me over in such an overwhelming way, I can get stuck in that feeling all day long and become no longer able to focus on anything else going on in my day. I become paralyzed because of the helplessness I feel to fix what ever circumstance brought me to tears of compassion. Compassion can also be used so deceitfully as as a way to manipulate emotions that don't need to be opened up at that time or place. This is also a discipline I know God has been leading me to for years. I have to say, He has used my marriage to show me how much the gift of mercy I have can be used for good AND if not controlled, for evil. Jeremiah 17:9-10 explains very clearly the message behind what I am trying to say, "The heart is deceitful than all else, and desperately sick; who can understand it? I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind..." You're probably familiar with an old saying that goes something like this, "Follow your heart and it will lead you." I used to listen to this and lived my life accordingly, not anymore. Sometimes my heart is telling me to push an issue that needs to be dropped, immediately! Other times my heart is telling me to hold onto something or someone that God is definitely commanding me to let go of, for my own good. There are times when my heart is aligned with the Spirit of the Lord inside of me to direct me towards wisdom and this is a great thing. Compassion is a great thing, when used for eternal purposes not personal gain. We are objects of compassion to the Lord, always. He has also promised that when we are walking closely with him, He will also make us objects of compassion to even our worst enemies! (I Kings 8:50) This truth stopped my heart in it's tracks this morning and I've been meditating on it ever since. I am so overwhelmed by the might and power our God holds in His hands and even more so the unending compassion and mercy He floods out of His heart each new day. (Lamentations 3:22-23)
Jason & I are so excited to be here in Vancouver at this time in life, so expectant of what He is planning for us here. We couldn't feel or believe more that HE has called us here for such a time as this. Thanks to all for your prayers and phone calls, your prayers are like gold to us and so very precious to the Lord. We love you so much and look forward to hugging your necks at Christmas, Lord willing.